
Tuesday, 20th June

UBI3BM (9:00-10:45)


- End of year breakfast.


UBI1M (11:15-13:00)  


Reading comprehension - A study timetable



- Vocabulary - Holidays 




UBI3AT1º (16:00-17:45)

- Valoración del trimestre

- Page 104- Directions (Asking the Way). Pair activity.

Excuse me.  Can you tell me ...?

- Social English - Jenny and Rob go sightseeing.

UBI3AT2º (18:15-20:00) 

- Valoración del trimestre.

- Homework correction (pages 80-81).

- Grammar worksheet - quantifiers, too, (not) enough


Monday, 19th June




- Staycations  - correction of Task 4.

- Discussion statements about holidays.

- Valoración del trimestre.


Friday, 16th June



UBI3BM (9:00-10:45)


- No students



UBI1M (11:15-13:00) 

 - Valoración del trimestre

- Listening activities

- Booking a Table



A voicemail message 




Thursday , 15th June


UBI3AT1º (16:00-17:45)


- Homework correction - pages 110-111.

- Practical English - Giving Directions (page 104-105)


- Homework- Write directions to the library.


UBI3AT2º (18:15-20:00) 

- Homework correction (pages 78-79).

- Grammar-   quantifiers, too, (not) enough (pages 73 / 220 /221).

- Pronunciation and speaking (page 73). Do you think you ...?

- Homework - pages 80-81.

Wednesday, 14th June


- Staycations (holidays at home) - worksheet .

- Homework - task 4




Tuesday, 13th June


UBI3BM (9:00-10:45)


- Homework correction (pages 186-187).


- Revision - End of course test - Listening and reading 



UBI1M (11:15-13:00) 

- Homework correction - vocabulary (worksheet)  - daily routines:


- Reading comprehension - A banker's life.


- Listening comprehension: Interview with a swimmer  



UBI3AT1º (16:00-17:45)

- Listening (page 103).

- Pronunciation - Sentence stress (page 103)

 - Speaking and writing - A memorable New Year's Eve (page 103).

 - Homework- pages 110- 111. 


UBI3AT2º (18:15-20:00) 

 - 5C - How much is enough? (page 72).

- Speaking and listening - What do you drink?

- Reading and vocabulary (pages 72-73) - Are they really good and bad?

- Homework- 5B - (pages 78-79).



Monday, 12th June




- Fast fashion

- Video and activities (Fast Fashion: The dumping ground for unwanted clothes).


- Discussion about the video and possible solutions.

- Video - sustainable fashion - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtbdDsjjdw4

Friday, 9th June


UBI3BM (9:00-10:45)


- Homework correction - worksheet (Questions with / without 




- Speaking (pairs)- General Knowledge Quiz (page 193/198).


- Video listening - Pub Quiz.


- Revise and check (pages 180-181).


- Homework- pages 186-187.



UBI1M (11:15-13:00)  


- Homework correction - writing (file test 8).


- Listening 2 - File test 8.


- Speaking - File test 8

- Homework- Vocabulary: Daily routine (worksheet).




Thursday, 8th June


UBI3AT1º (16:00-17:45)


- Homework correction - page 223 (7C).


- Vocabulary - page 103 /246 (go, have, get). Write sentences about what


 you did yesterday and last week.


UBI3AT2º (18:15-20:00) 


- Review - superlatives (+ ever + present perfect) - worksheet.


- Speaking - Ask and answer the questions on the worksheet:


 What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought? What's the coldest place


you've ever been to? 


- Listening (page 71).




Wednesday, 7th June




- Discussion - What do you think are the main problems that are facing

the environment at the moment? What can we do to help?


- Fast Fashion - Worksheet (reading and speaking activities).






Qué es el fast fashion? - The Planet App


Tuesday, 6th June


UBI3BM (9:00-10:45)


- Homework correction - pages 184-185 


- World Environment Day (5th June)- video listening comprehension and




- Homework - grammar worksheet (questions with / without auxiliaries).




UBI1M (11:15-13:00)


- Homework correction - pages 94-9.


- World Environment Day - blog and video.




- File Test 8 (Revision) - Reading and listening (part 1).

On Friday we will continue doing the test.



- Homework- writing (file test 8).

UBI3AT1º (16:00-17:45)


- Homework correction (pages 108-109)


- 7C- Happy New Year? (page 102)


- Reading - New Year's Eve. One to remember or one to forget?



- Grammar  - Past Simple (Irregular verbs) + page 222 (grammar bank).


- Homework - page 223 - 7C 



UBI3AT2º (18:15-20:00) 



- World Environment Day - blog and video






- Homework correction - page 242 - Vocabulary - Describing a town or city.



- Grammar- superlatives (+ever + present perfect) - page 70 + 220 / 221.  

Monday, 5th June



World Environment Day Essay & Speech Ideas for Students


- World Environment Day 


- Video listening comprehension about climate change:



 - Reading Comprehension - World Environment Day

Friday, 2nd June

UBI3BM (9:00-10:45)


- Communicative activity - The Celebrity Interview (direct/ reported speech).


- 12C (page 178) 


- Pronunciation and vocabulary - revision of question words


 (who, what, where, when, which, how, whose, why)

- Grammar - questions without auxiliaries (page 178 / 234 / 235)


 -Homework - pages 184-185 (12B).


UBI1M (11:15-13:00)

- Video listening (page 89).

- Revise and check (pages 90-91)

- Communicative activity in pairs - What do you like doing? I like cooking.

I think you like shopping.

- Homework- pages 94-95

Thursday, 1st June

UBI3AT1º (16:00-17:45)

- Homework correction - 7B - page 223
- Grammar- Find someone who... (page 100)
- Pronunciation (page 100): -ed endings ( looked, watched, called, changed, studied, carried, decided, waited...).
- Vocabulary and speaking (page 100) - past time expressions (three days ago, the day before yesterday, in 2017...).
I travelled by bus yesterday. I walked more than 5km last weekend. I booked some tickets last month...

- Homework- 7B - pages108-109.


UBI3AT2º (18:15-20:00) 


- Homework correction - pages 76-77


- Communicative activity in groups. Which do you prefer? Why?


- 5B- Vocabulary describing a town or city

 (pages 70 and 242- homework).